
Client - Loma Linda School of Behavioral Health

Year - 2019-2022

The problem

Each year the School of Behavioral Health is required to collect and submit student and program data to federal accreditation agencies. Each year that process was marred by too much paperwork and errors in transcription, resulting in delays and aggravation among the students and faculty. What began as a system to serve students with a few forms throughout the school year grew into a comprehensive student management system with multiple user roles and over 14 separate forms that are digitally distributed to faculty, students and remote clinical site administrators.

What we did

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    First we studied their existing system for data collection and found several areas of concern. One issue was that illegible writing on paperwork led to data accuracy errors that then needed additional effort to correct. This also led to errors in transcription, meaning that inaccurate data was making its way into the accreditation database. Another issue was timeliness, in that accreditation paperwork was sometimes delayed or lost in the mail.

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    Multiple interviews with LLU faculty, students, staff and remote clinical site administrators revealed dissatisfaction with the existing accreditation system, particularly the prepeonderance of paperwork and the issue of having to preserve that paperwork as a record. With hundreds of new students each school year, collecting this data became onerous.

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    The student management system solved these recurring issues. The data form each form compiled in the system is validated, meaning there are no discrepancies in data submitted. There are also no errors in transcription, as that validated data is secured in the database upon submission. Each form is served to the appropriate user on a specific schedule and the system sends notifications to those users when their forms have been accepted into the database.

I LOVE it!! This is going to make my life so much easier!!

Lesley Taylor
LLU SBH, admin staff